Do not enter data into shaded cells.
Only enter data into white cells.
The margin calculator is for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to quickly calculate:
- Margin and markup, when they know revenue and cost
- Revenue, when they know cost and margin
- Cost, when they know revenue and margin
- Profit, when they know revenue and cost
Keeping an eye on margins is always important because high-margin businesses, all things being equal, have more margin for error and a better chance of success. The margin calculator can be used for individual products/services, different categories, or the business as a whole.
Calculate margin and markup
Enter Revenue and Cost.
Cost can include only the cost of sales (COS)/cost of goods sold (COGS). Or, all allocated costs can be included.
Calculate revenue
Enter Cost and Desired margin %.
This calculator will tell you the price you need to charge for your product/service in order to achieve the Desired margin %. Or, it can tell you the total Revenue you might expect at a given margin.
Calculate cost
Enter Revenue and Desired margin %.
This calculator will tell you what Cost level you would need to meet in order to reach your Desired margin. Again, this can be for an individual product/service or for your company as a whole.
Calculate profit
Enter Revenue and Cost.
This is the Profit you can expect based on your current/anticipated pricing and cost allocation. For individual products/services or your company as a whole.
Related information
“How To Calculate Profit Margin?” Any Percentage
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