QuickBooks Online (QBO) Deposit Tutorial | Non-Sale Transactions [VIDEO]

qbo nonsale deposit tutorial thumbnail

common excel questions

Entering a non-sale deposit into QuickBooks Online video summary

The simple explanation is:

Click on New (button, upper-left). Then Bank deposit (Other column).

A more detailed walkthrough is outlined below.

Deposit transactions

Undeposited funds from sales are not the only deposits that need to be made.

For a tutorial on undeposited sales, see the “Best Practice for Undeposited Funds in QuickBooks Online” video and post.

What are some examples of undeposited funds that aren’t from sales?

There are loan proceeds, cash from the owner(s), and refunds from vendors, for example.

There are also reimbursements (from employees) and tax refunds.

As you can see, not all deposits are subject to tax, and not all need to be matched with sales receipts/invoices.

Every transaction should be properly categorized, though.

How to enter a deposit transaction

  1. Click New (button, upper-left) and then Bank deposit (Other column)
  2. Select the Account (checking/savings/etc) for the Deposit to go into
  3. Enter the Date of the deposit
  4. Enter who the deposit was Received From (dropdown)
  5. Enter an Account (GL) (dropdown) for deposit to be recorded against
  6. Enter a Description for the deposit
  7. Enter a Payment Method (dropdown)
  8. Enter a Ref No. (e.g. check number)
  9. Click Save and new (button/dropdown)
    1. If you need to enter another deposit
      1. Save and close if you are finished
how to enter a qbo deposit transaction screenshot
Click to enlarge
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Credit Memos in QuickBooks Online – For Accurate Financials [VIDEO]

qbo credit memo video featured

Video transcript

00:00 QuickBooks Online credit memos ensuring
00:02 accurate reporting okay so I let’s start
00:06 off your video off with a quick answer
00:08 so that somebody just needs to know
00:11 where to navigate to can get the
00:14 information they need the as you can see
00:17 there’s kind of a lot of aspects a lot
00:20 of quick answers to this video I will
00:21 start with the most fundamental which is
00:23 how to actually create a credit memo
00:24 okay and that’s easy enough that it is
00:28 done by going up to the new button and
00:30 under the customers heading you’re gonna
00:33 click on credit memo okay so once you
00:36 have a credit memo in there so you want
00:38 to apply that credit memo to an invoice
00:40 for a customer that’s new receipt
00:44 payment and enter the pertinent
00:56 information there back you out okay say
01:06 that you’re not able to do that ideal
01:09 thing where it makes more sense to issue
01:11 a refund rather than a credit memo you
01:14 can do that also in the new button and
01:17 hit refund receipt under the customers
01:21 column
01:34 and you’ll select the amount of the
01:36 refund there and fill out all the other
01:38 pertinent information about the customer
01:40 and then finally the customer request
01:43 statement or if you send out statements
01:45 as a matter of procedure then that’s
01:49 going to be a little different area
01:50 that’s gonna be the sales menu and
01:53 customers and you’re gonna select a
01:55 customer those sales customers okay you
02:01 just select the customer and batch
02:04 actions it’s a little tough to say and
02:07 create statements pick your statement
02:11 type your date range and send it the
02:15 customer okay so that’s it for the quick
02:19 answer now I’m gonna get into a little
02:22 more detail there’s a lot to cover here
02:25 so we’ll start plugging away okay so
02:32 first of all what our credit memos
02:35 excuse me
02:37 credit mine was the ability to credit a
02:38 customer for a particular dollar amount
02:41 next time that they receive an invoice
02:43 the credit will reduce the amount that
02:45 they owe it’s not a refund not the same
02:49 thing similar in nature but not the same
02:52 cash does not go back to the customer
02:55 which all things being equal is good you
02:58 don’t want cash leaving a business if
03:00 you can help it
03:01 it can be reflected on a customer
03:03 statement of course and should be and
03:06 will reduce the amount of accounts
03:10 receivable that you have once you’ve
03:12 created a credit memo okay so why use
03:14 them you know changing a transaction
03:19 like a past transaction can create
03:23 confusion you know if you’re tweaking
03:26 the amount that you sold it for or start
03:29 fidgeting around with you know standard
03:32 prices and and that sort of thing you
03:35 might not know the details of why you’re
03:38 doing what you’re doing so you know your
03:40 books could become out of balance if the
03:42 transaction was in a previous period too
03:44 so you know in simply discounting the
03:49 next transaction along the same lines
03:51 isn’t gonna tell the whole story you can
03:53 look back a year from now two years you
03:56 know you could send out a statement to
03:57 the customer they weren’t clear about
03:59 what happened and you don’t remember if
04:01 you deal with a lot of customers a lot
04:03 of transactions or somebody else in your
04:05 organization did it or you didn’t do a
04:08 credit memo but edit a transaction it
04:10 just can create confusion so you know a
04:13 credit memo accurately portrays the
04:15 events that took place okay it creates
04:17 what they call an audit trail it you
04:21 know allows you to look at it and
04:26 basically do what I out on this channel
04:30 is to make sure your accounting system
04:33 matches reality you know so it’s
04:37 beneficial in those terms and you know
04:43 really the the correct the best practice
04:46 so to speak when it comes to giving a
04:48 customer credit you know and a credit
04:51 memo is preferable to a cache where you
04:53 fund all things being equal sometimes
04:55 you’ll have to do a refund perhaps but
04:58 you know the reason for that is because
05:00 the old finance or basically what
05:03 corporate finance is built on a dollar
05:05 today is worth more than a dollar
05:06 tomorrow you want to keep that cash in
05:08 the organization so you can use it so
05:10 you can use it to pay employees so you
05:11 can use it to pay vendors okay so you
05:14 can reinvest it in your business and if
05:16 you send cash out to the customer
05:19 there’s no guarantee that they’re going
05:20 to return with that cash okay if if you
05:23 can get away with using a credit memo as
05:25 opposed to a refund then it incentivizes
05:27 them to come back their next purchase is
05:30 going to be less it’s going to have a
05:33 credit applied so you know it’s that’s a
05:37 couple of the reasons that a credit memo
05:39 is preferable to a cash refund with
05:43 QuickBooks Online it can be applied
05:45 automatically this is something you
05:47 specify in accounts and settings to
05:51 automatically when you create a credit
05:53 memo to apply to next invoice but yet
05:56 like I said you have to turn that
05:57 setting on
05:59 so we’ll get in a little more detail
06:02 rather than a quick answer rushing
06:04 through how to create a credit memo
06:09 again you’re gonna go to the upper left
06:14 do new button bit credit memo will
06:19 appear under customers credit memo and
06:25 then you’re gonna pick your customer
06:26 that’s going to receive the credit memo
06:32 will use won’t Duke’s basketball camp
06:36 again so you need to specify what the
06:45 credit memo was for if it’s you have to
06:50 use your judgment here if it’s in
06:52 regards to something being miss you know
06:59 something wrong on the invoice to the
07:01 customer or something an error involving
07:05 a particular product or service you can
07:06 select that particular product or
07:08 service and edit the quantity and/or
07:10 rate rate over to the right here or
07:15 potentially you could create a non
07:17 inventory product or service and
07:22 basically edit the description to say
07:25 this is a credit for you know the
07:31 customer was upset about the customer
07:33 service or something or whatever the
07:34 reason may be you know just so again so
07:37 you’ve got something a thorough
07:39 description there so you know when you
07:41 look at it years from now what you did
07:43 this for so maybe we miss billed if
07:50 that’s even a term build an error for a
07:56 rock fountain to Duke’s basketball camp
07:59 and we want to issue a credit memo for
08:03 $275 08:10 okay so we enter that information
08:14 product or service it is optional you
08:16 can just enter a quantity or rate also
08:19 and then you’re gonna hit save and new
08:23 if you want to do another you have a
08:25 couple credit memo standard Savin San to
08:27 email them the credit memo or just save
08:30 and close to exit in this case you can
08:33 preview it if you’re sending it to the
08:34 customer and you know actually let’s do
08:38 this let’s just delete this and let’s
08:44 just say we’re going to credit the
08:45 customer $275 they’re no product just we
08:49 messed up here’s our credit for $275
08:56 okay so that got sent to the customer
09:00 this is a sample company so didn’t
09:02 really send it to anybody but now it’s
09:05 in a system for Dukes basketball camp
09:08 okay so you expanse of all camp comes
09:11 back to us for more landscaping services
09:13 that’s our sample company that’s the
09:15 business they’re in and we’re gonna play
09:18 that credit to the next invoice so have
09:21 to have an existing invoice to credit of
09:23 course and it’s only necessary if
09:27 automatically applied credits like I
09:29 mentioned and account settings isn’t
09:31 selected and to do so you go to new the
09:35 upper left button receive payment and
09:44 hopefully there’s a default invoice in
09:46 here for Dukes basketball camp let’s see
09:56 doesn’t have an open invoice okay so I
10:00 picked the wrong customer there let’s go
10:03 with Geeta okay
10:06 so we’re gonna select we chose this
10:12 customer we’re gonna select the
10:13 appropriate invoice with a checkbox and
10:15 then there we go and then down below
10:24 here we would have a credit section that
10:30 we could apply to Gita’s let’s back out
10:36 of here and do it the right way
10:39 new credit memo and let’s apply it for a
10:51 friend eat it
10:57 let’s see I’m just doing them out here
11:03 over the 275 there okay now we have a
11:17 credit memo and forget it – now we will
11:25 go to new receive payment we know Geeta
11:30 has at $623 employees has standings
11:33 there I’m
11:45 is that and actually in this case they
11:51 are automatically applied
11:53 so you’ll notice the original amount 629
11:55 I misspoke but here’s the balance
11:58 at $275 doesn’t itemized it here but
12:02 you can see that it did apply it on the
12:06 next invoice if it’s not automatically
12:10 applied like I said it’ll appear down
12:11 here below where you can select the
12:12 credits that you want to apply to credit
12:14 memos to the invoices you’ve selected so
12:18 when we applied that save and send to
12:22 Geetha and hopefully it will show
12:26 applied on her PDF here no it doesn’t
12:36 that’s a little bit of a shortcoming a
12:37 little more detail would be good there
12:39 but what’s important is Geetha gutter
12:43 credit
12:44 okay so Geetha is a happy customer once
12:46 warm and you know we go back about our
12:50 business
12:52 so issuing a refund now let’s say Geetha
12:56 said no I’m never doing business with
12:57 you again I’m outraged you know it’s a
13:01 bad situation
13:02 I want to refund okay then to issue a
13:06 refund again to new we’re gonna go to
13:08 refund receipt this time the customers
13:10 column we’re gonna choose Geetha from
13:13 the drop-down customers refund receipt
13:28 choose geet okay and we want to choose a
13:38 refund payment method okay we’re gonna
13:41 do cash we’re gonna do credit back on
13:44 our credit card will do check for Geeta
13:52 and where it’s coming from want to
13:57 select that and we want to enter an
13:59 amount to that $75 and hopefully that’s
14:06 it for the refunds were issuing so we’ll
14:08 hit save and close and Geeta
14:14 there goes refund issued $275 okay now
14:22 it’s getting a little more detail about
14:25 statements statements provide
14:28 transparency to customers about their
14:30 account standing about the details of
14:32 credits refunds and that sort of thing
14:33 unfortunately the the receipt that we
14:37 issued early to get it didn’t I mean she
14:40 would probably know but it didn’t say
14:42 you know hey and you know and this is
14:44 just a preference of mine I want to know
14:46 here’s what it was you know the cost of
14:51 what I purchased from you here’s what
14:52 the amount it was this kind of buy is
14:55 and here’s the net amount that I would
14:57 owe and you know and I paid and here’s
15:00 my receipt detailing all that I didn’t
15:04 do that but the detail should be on the
15:06 statement so how to create a customer
15:11 statement it’s time again we don’t go to
15:14 new button we go to the sales menu with
15:18 select customers and we are already here
15:20 so sales customers that’s where we are
15:22 now okay then I’m gonna check box for
15:26 let’s look at eat as a count here for
15:29 the customer we want and you can do this
15:34 as in batch so you can do what have you
15:36 select here for all customers in this
15:37 case we’re just doing Geeta
15:38 she says send me stay Milan I’ll make
15:41 sure everything’s right about what you
15:43 did with my account okay eat him happy
15:46 to do that and we select that batch out
15:52 actions drop-down and create statements
15:55 okay so we want to select the statement
15:58 type that we’d like to create we’ll get
16:00 into that in a little more detail here
16:03 in just second we want whichever is most
16:05 appropriate for the situation with the
16:07 date range we’ll give her for the past
16:09 month here and yeah so let’s talk about
16:14 statement types real quick before we do
16:16 that
16:16 okay balance for word is gonna give a
16:18 list of payments and invoices that the
16:20 customer had it clarifies what is
16:22 currently do on the account open items
16:26 okay this is gonna be open invoices
16:28 detail and unpaid invoices credit memos
16:31 and unapplied payments this would have
16:33 been the type of statement we would have
16:35 santaguida before we did the settled the
16:42 invoice earlier well actually that one
16:48 might I guess since we just sent the
16:50 invoice then one might be appropriate
16:51 trans actually same it’s gonna be
16:52 transaction detail of a date range it’s
16:54 appropriate for accounts with a high
16:55 volume of transaction so let’s try this
16:56 open item here and apply it now nothing
17:08 trade balance forward then
17:20 all right because Gita’s balance is zero
17:23 now so let’s do save and send this is
17:29 what’s nice about QuickBooks Online it
17:30 gives you the opportunity to preview it
17:32 yeah this is what we want okay so not a
17:35 high volume in transactions but
17:37 specifies what we did on the account you
17:42 know we issued an invoice on 12:12 for
17:45 six hundred twenty nine ten dollars
17:47 there’s our credit memo we entered
17:49 earlier for 275 there’s a refund
17:52 we gave her for 275 obviously in the
17:54 real world you probably wouldn’t do both
17:56 but you know Gaeta was our best example
17:59 so now Gaeta owes us seventy nine ten
18:04 we’ll send that to her and there you go
18:10 okay
18:12 so have you previously created
18:13 statements and like I said there’s a lot
18:16 of detail on this one but we’re almost
18:18 through it sales on the Left menu with
18:22 all sales sales all sales we’ll just
18:26 click it here takes us to the same spot
18:32 from there we’re gonna select the filter
18:35 drop down and type statements so we want
18:41 to filter and type so drop down drop
18:45 down statements okay for the last year
18:52 well let’s apply that should show Geetha
18:54 is I think yes there it is so now we can
18:58 see it again if she calls in with a
18:59 question about her statement you know
19:02 again this isn’t all gonna happen just
19:05 boom boom boom like we’re doing it now
19:06 you know time will pass people forget
19:09 stuff you know you got a lot on your
19:11 plate as a small business owner so you
19:15 know this is how we can see again
19:17 Geeta’s a statement and she wants to
19:20 call him and speak on it then we’ll have
19:22 it in front of us and we can help her
19:24 piece together what happened so
19:29 that’s the view previously created
19:31 statements now to automatically apply
19:34 credits which is what was set up in this
19:39 particular sample account but just to
19:42 let you know how that happened
19:43 I’m gonna go to the gear in the upper
19:45 right accounts and settings under the
19:48 your company heading your company
19:54 accounts and settings then on the Left
19:57 menu we’re gonna go to advanced and
19:58 we’re going to edit and edit click the
20:01 little pencil any automation section
20:07 waiting on it here ok let’s try again
20:14 counts and settings let’s do advanced
20:21 and like I said down here in the scroll
20:26 post-it no advanced ok in in the
20:40 automation section edit and that’s check
20:47 box you’re looking for automatically
20:49 applying credits is on off set of how
20:53 you want it probably on and then you
21:01 want to click Save now will
21:03 automatically applying credits then
21:06 click done to get out of the accounts
21:08 and settings okay so that covers
21:13 everything to do with credit memos so a
21:19 lot of information there but covered
21:21 credit memos refunds statements you know
21:26 so everything kind of potentially
21:29 affected by a credit memo so there’s a
21:31 lot to you know there QuickBooks Online
21:35 is pretty simple but there’s a lot of
21:37 different a lot of things you can do you
21:40 know because business is dynamic and
21:41 you know that you know so if bookkeeping
21:46 isn’t your cup of tea if you know having
21:49 to research and how to do this stuff
21:51 every time you need to do something new
21:52 there’s a new cup of tea if you’d rather
21:54 spend your time working on your business
21:56 helping it grow and less time on menial
21:59 tasks like watching spreadsheets for
22:01 business quickbooks online videos
22:03 nothing personal I get it and you know
22:07 you just want to do more business and
22:09 less data entry okay then check out bot
22:11 keeper I’ll have a link down in the
22:12 description and what bot keeper does is
22:15 automate but keeping tasks that you hate
22:17 to do all right so it’s a artificial
22:21 intelligence powered and that’s what
22:24 does the bulk of the work and then it
22:27 also has a human touch that kind of
22:29 qualifies the artificial intelligence
22:32 transactions and you know just puts a
22:35 set of human eyes on it to to make sure
22:37 everything’s accurate timely and you
22:41 know most importantly off your back so
22:42 if it’s something you think you’d be
22:44 interested in again click that link down
22:46 in the description and check it out so
22:48 this was a long video I’ll wrap it up
22:51 here thank you for liking and
22:53 subscribing and why would you like well
22:56 if you liked the fact that I got gave it
22:59 a quick answer up front was shortened to
23:00 the point but then went into more detail
23:02 after that if you’d like that format I
23:03 would appreciate a like if you find
23:05 yourself if you’re gonna do your own
23:07 bookkeeping and you find yourself
23:08 looking up how to videos and QuickBooks
23:11 Online fairly often then consider
23:14 subscribing so you can just jump onto my
23:17 channel and see if I’ve covered it and
23:19 in that case great then if not you can
23:22 search search it on the YouTube you know
23:27 through the youtube search so hey I’m
23:30 appreciate you guys watching as always
23:32 take care

How To Create Purchase Orders, Invoices, & Estimates in QBO [VIDEO]

qbo estimates video featured

How Do Purchase Orders Work in QuickBooks Online? Video summary

Here’s how to create an estimate in QBO:

  • Click Sales (left menu), then All Sales
  • Next, New transaction (button, top-right), then Estimate

Here’s how to create a purchase order from an estimate:

  • Click Sales (left menu), then Customers
  • Next, select Estimate (colored box, “Money Bar”)
  • Then, click “# Open estimate” (Open Estimates header) and select Estimate
  • Change from Pending to Accepted
  • Finally, change Create invoice to Copy to purchase order

Here’s how to convert an estimate to an invoice in QBO:

  • Click Sales (left menu), then Customers
  • Next, select Estimate (colored box, “Money Bar”) and then click Start invoice (Action column)
  • Finally, click Add (right side, Estimate #)

What are estimates in QuickBooks Online?

An estimate is an offer to a customer. It’s an official assessment of how much, you think, a set of products and/or services will cost them.

Technically speaking, it is a non-posting transaction. No GL entry is made in QuickBooks Online when an estimate is created.

Estimates are sometimes required by larger customers or government entities.

Though the estimate won’t result in a GL entry directly, the information from the estimate can be transferred to purchase orders (for products/services needed to complete the bid). Or, it can be transferred to invoices (to bill for the work specified in the estimate).

In both cases, you are saved the hassle of having to re-enter information.

Creating an estimate in QBO

Start by clicking Sales (in the left menu). Next, choose All Sales and New transaction (dropdown, top-right). Then, click Estimate.

Select the appropriate customer (from the dropdown). Enter the Estimate date & Expiration date.

Choose the appropriate Products/Services (dropdown). Edit the Rate and/or Amount if necessary.

When done, click Save and send (button, lower-right). Preview the Estimate and if everything looks okay, click Send and close (button).

Creating a PO from an estimate in QuickBooks Online

Start by clicking Sales (in the left menu) and choose Customers.

Select Estimate (colored box, “Money Bar”) and click “# Open estimate” (Open Estimates header).

Next, you’ll click on appropriate Estimate and choose Pending (in the upper-left, dropdown). Change it to Accepted.

Click Create invoice (upper-right, dropdown). Now, change to Copy to purchase order. Select OK (button).

Almost there…

Select Vendor (from the dropdown). Then the appropriate Product/Service (Item details, dropdown). Finally, click Save and send (button) to preview the Purchase Order. If all is okay, click Send and close.

Converting an estimate to an invoice in QBO

As usual, start by clicking Sales (in the left menu) and choose Customers.

Select Estimate (colored box, “Money Bar”) and click Start invoice (Action column).

Update the Invoice date & Due date. Click Add (right side, Estimate #). Then, enter the details for the amount to invoice. When finished, click Save and close (button).

Best Practice for Undeposited Funds in QuickBooks Online [VIDEO]

qbo undeposited funds video featured

Video slides

Video transcript

00:00 QuickBooks Online and deposited funds
00:01 the best practice for handling them
00:06 quick answer is to enter the undeposited
00:10 funds and then enter the deposit so
00:15 undeposited funds are entered the upper
00:18 left the new button under customers and
00:23 receive payment and enter the pertinent
00:31 information there and choose your
00:32 invoices and after that when you
00:37 actually make the deposit in the bank
00:38 you also come up to the new button under
00:42 other bank deposit you’ll enter the
00:46 pertinent information up top and then
00:49 you’ll check your undeposited funds and
00:52 that you’re going to deposit okay so I’d
01:00 like to start every video on with a
01:01 quick answer like that and then after I
01:03 get into a little detail so what are
01:07 undeposited funds for starters
01:09 these are receive checks there may be
01:12 cash that aren’t yet deposited into the
01:17 bank so you want to record them as a
01:19 sale you want to send a customer a
01:23 receipt you want to acknowledge that an
01:26 invoice is no longer outstanding and the
01:30 reason you want to do that is because
01:32 you know it’s kind of a thing I’ve
01:36 always preached that you want your
01:37 software your accounting software to
01:41 match reality you want it to reflect
01:43 reality because that’s its job is to
01:46 reflect the reality of your business so
01:48 that’s why you acknowledge that this
01:51 cash has been received but you know
01:54 again the reality is also that it is not
01:56 yet been entered into or deposited into
01:59 your bank account so it allows you also
02:05 when you when you make a deposit you
02:07 know probably a lot of businesses are
02:09 going to batch a lot of checks together
02:11 you know
02:12 from client one client to client three
02:14 and client for you know for $100 each
02:17 let’s say for a $400 deposit will your
02:20 bank statements gonna reflect a 400
02:22 dollar deposit you know if you didn’t
02:25 enter these undeposited funds
02:28 individually you know the the for $100
02:32 payments you received then you know
02:37 you’d have a tough time matching it to
02:41 your bank statement okay your bank
02:43 statements gonna say 400 you’re gonna
02:45 have for $100 payment receipts so he
02:50 said this way
02:51 QuickBooks knows it was these four
02:53 payments that comprised that $400
02:57 deposit hope that makes sense we’ll get
03:01 into a little more detail here okay so
03:04 back to entering undeposited funds as I
03:08 mentioned in the upper left there’s the
03:10 new button the customers heading in the
03:12 received payment okay let’s go back to
03:15 that screen all right so the first thing
03:23 you’re gonna do is enter the customer
03:25 who made the payment of course and we’ll
03:28 just pick someone at random from this
03:30 list who hopefully I was outstanding
03:32 invoice they do so I picked Red Rock
03:36 diner and then the date the payment was
03:39 made okay that’s gonna be reflected on
03:42 the receipt and they you know again you
03:43 want that they made payment yesterday
03:46 but you didn’t get a chance to enter it
03:47 into QuickBooks until today you want to
03:49 change that to yesterday’s payment
03:51 payment date you can honor the payment
03:55 method cash check or credit I’m not sure
04:03 when credit would apply there might be
04:07 circumstances since I have it as an
04:08 option but typically I would say it’s
04:11 going to be cash or cheque and then a
04:14 reference number this could be your
04:16 customers cheque number or some other
04:18 unique identifier so if need be if there
04:21 was a problem or you needed to do
04:23 some digging around on something you
04:25 could have a valid reference number like
04:32 I said you can put a check number in
04:33 there and you want to put it in
04:36 undeposited funds is you I guess right
04:41 that’s probably why credits in here
04:43 because this is receive payment it’s you
04:45 know this is what specifies that it goes
04:47 to undeposited funds so you could
04:49 obviously receive a credit payment and
04:52 you know but not probably wouldn’t put a
04:56 ton to positive funds so and after you
05:01 enter that information up there like I
05:06 said put it under positive funds go the
05:07 next slide here if it’s in response to
05:11 an invoice then you’re gonna match click
05:14 the checkbox next to the appropriate
05:15 invoice and that is it so let’s say that
05:19 our customer Red Rock diner paid on this
05:25 hundred fifty six dollar invoice and
05:27 that’s gonna reflect down here the 70
05:31 dollar invoice is still outstanding
05:32 you can click either save and new to
05:36 enter a new undeposited funds for a new
05:39 client or if that’s your last one save
05:43 and send we’ll send a customer a receipt
05:45 so even close will do exactly what it
05:48 says and close it take you back to the
05:52 dashboard there okay so you know you’ve
06:00 entered all of your undeposited funds
06:04 and now you’ve come back from the bank
06:11 where you actually made the deposit into
06:13 your checking account so we’re savings
06:17 you want to enter that into QuickBooks
06:19 so that is also a bit new and it’s under
06:23 other bank deposit
06:31 and let’s see what do we do we just did
06:35 Red Rock diner tastes assy
06:38 well first you want to select your
06:41 account that you’re going to put it in
06:43 which most times would be checking I
06:46 imagine perhaps savings the date you
06:49 made the deposit again if you made a
06:51 deposit this also helps with if you made
06:53 it yesterday
06:55 if you made it yesterday make sure you
06:57 pay yesterday because this will also
06:59 help with you know reconciling your
07:02 checking account again you want your
07:04 accounting software to match reality so
07:08 select the accountant a date we hit the
07:12 check box next to the appropriate
07:13 undeposited funds that we deposited and
07:17 it’s a similar sort of thing you can see
07:21 Red Rock diner the date all the
07:23 information we entered previously you
07:27 have a chance to edit it here
07:29 and I can do save a new to enter another
07:33 bank deposit or save and close’ will do
07:37 save and close the show we deposited at
07:39 one hundred fifty six dollars and there
07:41 we go our transactions and QuickBooks
07:44 Online match what actually happened in
07:47 reality so that’s it it’s a pretty
07:54 straightforward sort of thing the
07:55 intuitive to enter and as long as you
07:58 understand why it’s important to enter
08:00 undeposited funds and you know the
08:04 detail and again have that information
08:06 in your accounting software match
08:08 reality you know when saying with the
08:12 deposit then yeah it was really good
08:15 like I said it’s a pretty simple thing
08:16 to do so anyhow if you know that’s
08:21 simple some other bookkeeping tasks
08:23 aren’t as simple and bookkeeping isn’t
08:25 everybody’s cup of tea particularly if
08:27 you’re a small business owner you know
08:29 your your expertise is in your craft you
08:33 know whatever whatever you’re selling
08:35 and you know bookkeeping might be a
08:39 chore for you so if that’s the case you
08:42 check out ba keeper there’s
08:44 link down in the description and what ba
08:47 keeper is basically a bookkeeping
08:50 service that utilizes artificial
08:54 intelligence to handle the bulk of the
08:58 workload and then also implements a
09:00 human element to kind of qualify things
09:03 to you know to double check to make sure
09:06 everything’s going alright so what you
09:08 know what it does though allows you to
09:11 work more on your business and less on
09:13 data entry and you know spend more time
09:17 pumping to grow so if you find in
09:20 bookkeeping to be a chore definitely
09:23 click on that link and just check it out
09:26 and see if it’s something that might
09:29 help and make your life easier so that’s
09:33 it for this video you like you know it
09:37 is format with every quickbooks online
09:41 every video that i post you know or have
09:45 been posting recently is start out with
09:47 the quick answer so you can get the
09:50 information you need right off the bat
09:51 and then doing a little more detail on
09:53 the subject matter if you like that
09:54 format being short to the point up front
09:57 and detailed and do the rest of the
10:00 video you could show that that you like
10:05 that by giving the video a like and you
10:07 find yourself searching for quickbooks
10:09 online how to videos fairly often or you
10:11 think you might search in the future you
10:13 can subscribe and then you’ll know to
10:14 check spreadsheets for business first to
10:18 see if i covered the subject and that
10:21 mean quick and easy for you so so I got
10:24 appreciate you guys watching
10:26 take care