Profit Margin Calculator | Figure Revenue, Cost, & Markup

calculator cell guide

Do not enter data into shaded cells.
Only enter data into white cells.

The margin calculator is for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to quickly calculate:

  • Margin and markup, when they know revenue and cost
  • Revenue, when they know cost and margin
  • Cost, when they know revenue and margin
  • Profit, when they know revenue and cost

Keeping an eye on margins is always important because high-margin businesses, all things being equal, have more margin for error and a better chance of success. The margin calculator can be used for individual products/services, different categories, or the business as a whole.

Calculate margin and markup

Enter Revenue and Cost.

Cost can include only the cost of sales (COS)/cost of goods sold (COGS). Or, all allocated costs can be included.

Calculate revenue

Enter Cost and Desired margin %.

This calculator will tell you the price you need to charge for your product/service in order to achieve the Desired margin %. Or, it can tell you the total Revenue you might expect at a given margin.

Calculate cost

Enter Revenue and Desired margin %.

This calculator will tell you what Cost level you would need to meet in order to reach your Desired margin. Again, this can be for an individual product/service or for your company as a whole.

Calculate profit

Enter Revenue and Cost.

This is the Profit you can expect based on your current/anticipated pricing and cost allocation. For individual products/services or your company as a whole.

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