Advertising Digitally: Novice Guide for Small Business

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Some small businesses are quick to embrace technology. Others, not so much.

For small businesses in technology-heavy industries, it’s natural, and often necessary, to understand digital trends. Other small businesses are in more “traditional” industries. Even if they wanted to be on the cutting edge of technology, they’ve still got a business to run. An “analog” business that doesn’t need digital dohickeys to operate.

Digital advertising is a complicated subject. Navigating this domain takes a certain amount of know-how. It might even require the help of somebody with in-depth expertise. This post won’t tell you everything you need to know about digital advertising. Hopefully, it will start you on a path to understanding what your next steps should be.

Consider the following:

  • Are you able to calculate an ROI for your non-digital advertising?
  • Do you currently know all of the digital advertising options available to your small business?
  • What other technological tools have you tried and been pleasantly surprised with?
  • How can you manage your small business’s digital advertising so that it provides a satisfactory ROI?

Awful Marketing Results? Review These 5 Main Activities

What’s the worst that can happen? You can do nothing and your competitors can gain an upper hand. Perhaps jeopardize your business’s existence. Or, you can be proactive and learn a little about this subject so that you can proceed with confidence.

Digital vs traditional advertising

If the media you’re using was created before the internet – it’s traditional. After – it’s digital.

Tradition advertising includes the following mediums:

  • Billboards
  • Radio
  • Broadcast television
  • Direct mail
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Anything tangible

Not surprisingly, attention has shifted over the past 10+ years away from traditional mediums toward digital. In fact, in 2018, it’s estimated that digital media eclipsed traditional. Source.

digital vs traditional advertising time spent

Simply put, advertising is when you pay for a place to talk about your company. The goal of advertising is to find people who want what you have and convince them to buy it. It follows, of course, that advertising is going to gravitate toward where the attention is.

“I still use, and benefit from, traditional advertising” you might be saying. If traditional advertising is working for you, you’re not going to abandon it. It might be time, however, to start gauging exactly how well those old mediums are working for your small business. One of the simplest ways to do this is to simply ask how customers found you.

Why is digital advertising superior to traditional?

  • Digital advertising is direct and can be tied to sales
  • It lets you make low-cost changes or try new things
  • It requires less of a time and money commitment
  • It facilitates feedback
  • It’s easier to reach your target audience

First and foremost, what makes digital advertising most appealing is its direct interaction with customers. Traditional advertising is more indirect. It’s easier to tie a sale to digital advertising than traditional. This analytical data is priceless when it comes to inventory management, product development, and other marketing duties.

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Digital advertising also allows you the ability to edit, tweak, and A/B test. With traditional, once it’s out there, it’s out of your hands. You can certainly make changes the next go-around. But, traditional advertising can’t compete with digital in terms of flexibility.

The time and money commitments are also less with digital advertising. At least with a given provider/medium. This, coupled with its flexibility, allows you to fine-tune your digital marketing message in a much more efficient manner.

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Feedback is another important consideration. Conveying everything you want your customers to know in limited print space or during a 30 second TV/radio spot is tough. Customers are still left with questions. Digital advertising helps to address your customer objections. This can be done by communicating with them directly, or by making it easy for them to learn more about your products or services.

Finally, it’s easier to get your marketing message in front of your target audience (customer avatars) with digital mediums. This means less waste than with traditional means.

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Downsides to digital advertising

  • Traditional has more research
  • Not all customers are accessible online
  • Ad blockers limit exposure
  • Obnoxious ads can repel customers
  • Complexity and information overload

Digital advertising is still relatively young. And, while the actionable insights are greater, digital advertising simply doesn’t have the decades of research that traditional advertising does.

There are other “cons” too…

Your customer avatar might not spend time online. And, if they do, they might go to great lengths to protect their privacy or not share enough to be identified. 

Traditional advertising is subject to space constraints. But, so is digital advertising. It’s relatively cheap to produce, but not every digital piece of content gets in front of a lot of eyes (trust me!). Social media and the web are winner-take-all domains. So, “prime real estate” is highly sought after and could become cost-prohibitive.

We all know that digital advertising can be obnoxious. Ad blockers are very popular and as advertisers get more creative on how to work around them, the creators of these tools get more creative too. If your target demographic uses ad blockers, then your ability to reach them could be hindered.

Finally, all of those advantages listed above create more complexity. There is a lot of information to wade through and a lot of decisions to make. It can overwhelm you if you let it.

Types of digital advertising

Digital advertising includes the following mediums:

  • Search engine
  • Social media
  • Streaming
  • Websites
  • Videos
  • Anything internet or web related

Keep in mind that these are ever-evolving and this list could grow or these mediums could be obsolete in a relatively short amount of time. Also, there are some blurred lines between these different mediums. Some digital advertising could qualify under two or more of these categories.

Here’s a very general idea of what each medium entails.

Search engine PPC (pay per click) ads appear when people search the web. When, where, and how much it costs for your ads to appear is typically is decided by an auction system.

Social media ads utilize the information that platforms know about their users. This allows you to target very specific types of customers. The ads typically take the form of the normal content on the platform.

Advertising on streaming services is similar to TV advertising. But with a little more control over who sees your ad. Rates for this type of advertising can vary considerably. There is also the cost of production to consider.

Website advertising can also be done on a PPC or cost-per-impression basis. This type of marketing allows you to incorporate graphic elements more than search engine advertising. Which comes at the slight cost of not being able to target your audience quite as well.

Video advertising allows your small business to piggyback on specific topics. TV has conditioned us to tolerate streaming ads – to a degree. However, I think that video (YouTube) advertising had the distinct challenge of competing directly with the content your customers actually want to see. It’s like someone standing in front of their screen when they just want to watch a movie trailer.

How to get started with digital advertising?

  1. Create a website and social media profile
  2. Learn about what increases exposure (for free)
  3. Try other platforms
  4. Draw inspiration from others
  5. Dip your toe into paid promotion
  6. Learn the relevant advertising metrics
  7. Keep failures small and adapt
  8. Get help as needed
  9. Exploit high ROI opportunities as you find them

Familiarize yourself with the digital “terrain” before moving forward with advertising. The name of the game in digital marketing is understanding algorithms and keywords.

The first step would be to create a website if you don’t have one. Try to get it to rank high on search engines. This will help you learn a little about SEO (search engine optimization).

Also, pick a social media platform to experiment with. Try to find out what constitutes popular content and what doesn’t. Once you feel comfortable on one platform, try another.

Don’t be afraid to copy what others are doing. Don’t make carbon copies, but do look to what works for inspiration.

Once you’re comfortable with the “free” marketing, dive into the paid side of things.

Understand your conversion rates, the value of your customers, and your costs.

Pricing Strategies for Startups and Established Businesses + Spreadsheet [VIDEO]

You’re going to fail. Keep those failures small and learn from them.

You might consider getting help with the finer points. Tap into any skills that you may have within your staff. If needed, hire out help. There’s no shortage of digital marketing agencies out there.

Proceed smartly. Get feedback. Learn from it and adjust. When you finally discover that super-high ROI message/medium – put your foot on the gas and reap the rewards!

Here are some videos that will hopefully help you get the ball rolling with digital advertising:

▲ That’s a long, in-depth video. If you’d like something shorter, here’s another:

Distinguishing advertising and marketing

Throughout this post, I have used the terms advertising and marketing interchangeably. They are not synonymous, however. Here’s how I’d draw the distinction:

Marketing is about understanding your customers and what they need. Advertising is a way to promote your company. It is just one part of marketing.

Utilizing digital or traditional advertising isn’t a black and white matter. There are shades of grey. If you feel that the advantages of digital advertising are worth it, you should consider transitioning to the extent you are comfortable.

Don’t Guess if Crowdfunding Can Help Your Small Business – Know

small business crowdfunding featured

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As a small business owner, you’ve probably heard of crowdfunding. You probably haven’t thought about how it could help your business. It depends on your industry and familiarity with technological trends.

I can’t say if it’s right for your business or not. Below, however, you’ll find some answers to the most commonly posted questions regarding crowdfunding for small businesses. Hopefully, this will help you decide if you want to do more research on the subject.

Think about the following:

  • You don’t want to be ignorant of something that could help your business, do you?
  • If others in your industry aren’t doing something then it’s not right for your business?
  • Why not ignore every technological trend that could impact your business?
  • What’s the biggest cost to adopting technological trends? Is it money or time?
  • How has adopting other technological trends worked out for you?

“Does Crowdfunding Need to Be Paid Back?” Types and Examples

Is crowdfunding good or bad?

Like anything, it’s not black and white. Crowdfunding has both good and bad elements.

Raising capital is hard and complicated. It takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication to be successful in this area. But if you want your business idea to come to life then you’ve got to do everything necessary!

There are many crowdfunding platforms out there and you can never be sure which one is right for your business. You can always apply to more than one (more on that below). Try not to get discouraged if there’s little interest in your first stab at crowdfunding. Just as it takes some salesmanship and marketing savvy to sell to your customers, the same will be needed here too.

Stick with reputable crowdfunding sites. If crowdfunding is unexplored territory, there’s no need to take unnecessary risks by dealing with disreputable or unproven platforms.

These are some well-respected crowdfunding sites (Source):

  • Kickstarter
  • Indiegogo
  • Crowd Supply

Crowdfunding is a good way to get the word out about your brand and it can help you find investors and customers. Crowdfunding could also speed up the product development process by committing you to specific deadlines.

The benefits of crowdfunding are numerous. From networking access with potential partners, getting feedback early before going into production, and being able to showcase ideas that might not otherwise meet investor criteria.

It also provides an avenue for testing demand outside traditional channels by gauging customer interest first-hand. This allows you to conduct valuable market research concurrently with your capital raising efforts.

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Crowdfunding can be humbling too. That’s one of the primary downsides.

There can be times when the feeling of rejection will make you feel discouraged. However, it’s important to just accept this and move forward. Waiting for your fundraising goals to be met might seem to take forever. Remember that patience is, sometimes, a virtue when running a small business.

How much money can you get from crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a type of funding that can help you get the funds you need to start and grow your business. It’s an amazing way to get your company off the ground and can be used to fund anything from movies and music projects to art and fashion. Most businesses will likely use crowdfunding for product development, however. Crowdfunding has become easier with websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and others.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding utilizes an online platform where people can pledge money to a project; generally for a reward in return. Crowdfunding allows you to gain exposure and raise funds to help start and grow your business.

How much money can you raise?

At some sites, like Kickstarter, there is no set limit for how much you can raise. Other sites have a limit or cap. Be sure to read the fine print and understand what to expect.

Many projects never get funded, so it’s important to keep expectations realistic. Also, be aware of the timeline. Your project may take a few weeks to a few months to raise the desired funds.

Risks and challenges of crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular means of funding for small businesses. Although a good portion of the people who start a crowdfund fail, this is consistent with the other risks taken as a small business owner.

More than a few companies have already risen through crowdfunding. These companies are great examples of how the platform can help businesses that need funding.

9 Wildly Successful Crowdfunded Startups

Can you use multiple crowdfunding sites?

You can run more than one crowdfunding campaign at a time, but it’s not recommended. You could be juggling too many balls in the air if you do that. It can be difficult to find the time and energy to manage two or more crowdfunding campaigns along with your other obligations to your company.

You have a lot of commitments that need your attention, but it is not just about the workload. You may also receive inquiries related to the crowdfunding project. Be careful not to overcommit yourself.

Perhaps, the best way to use multiple sites for your business would be to start with one platform, then when your crowdfunding is over then you can start with another. Running back-to-back or concurrent campaigns can make you look a bit too desperate. Even worse, it might give the impression that you are trying to run some sort of scam. This is not the exposure you need when you’re trying to launch a new product or a new business.

Awful Marketing Results? Review These 5 Main Activities

5 marketing activities featured

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Every small business is concerned with marketing. Marketing activities are what drive sales. Without sales, no business is going to keep its doors open for long.

There are five general categories for marketing activities that every small business undertakes. These five primary marketing activity categories include:

  1. Market research
  2. Product and service selection
  3. Pricing
  4. Placement
  5. Promotion

Each product and service a small business sells might require different activities within these categories. The breadth and depth of the marketing activities might vary too.

Becoming proficient at each of these marketing activities will allow you to better understand your customers and solve their problems in a quick and efficient manner. A manner that makes them feel good about doing business with you.

Gather, analyze, and interpret info about your market

Market research can be time-intensive and complicated. But, it is one of those activities where even a little bit of effort is very beneficial. Market research lays the groundwork for the other marketing activities. It helps to direct your efforts in an efficient manner.

Different products and services probably serve different markets. So, you’ll want to understand the demand, market size, location, and market saturation for each of your products and services. Additionally, you’ll want to have a firm grasp on the competition and how you’ll set your small business apart.

People are diverse. Your product or service can’t be everything to everyone. You’ve got to divide people into categories so that you can better suit their needs. Categories such as gender, race, marital status, children, occupation, income, and education. Market research will help you decide which of these categories most of your customers will come from.

Armed with this powerful information, you’ll put your small business in a better position for success. Without market research, you’re left to guess about where to direct your marketing efforts. Therefore, you’ll likely waste time and money trying to reach your best customers.

Choose products and services based on market demand

Thorough market research helps you to refine your product or service. It will help you create the product or service that best meets customer needs. Additionally, critiquing your competitors is a critical part of market research. Deeply analyzing competitors’ products and services will help you to create something that is unique and fulfills a niche.

No matter what your product or service is, you will have competition. You can be certain of that. Even if there isn’t a product or service exactly like yours, you will still have to convince customers why yours is better than a substitute.

Offering the right products and services will make the rest of your marketing activities easier. Use what you learned from market research to create products and services that your customers are excited about. Doing so will make them that much easier to sell.

Assign value to the benefits you’re providing customers

marketing tutor pricing strategies

Pricing can be somewhat complicated. It requires analyzing you and your competitors’ products and services from many different angles. There is no perfect answer when it comes to pricing either. You probably wouldn’t know the ideal price if you saw it.

I recommend reviewing the Pricing Strategies for Startups video and post. There, you can also download the Price Sensitivity Meter. With the Price Sensitivity Meter, you look at a range of prices and make judgments regarding:

  • When customers will question quality
  • When customers would consider the price a bargain
  • When customers would think the product or service is getting expensive
  • When customers would consider the product or service too expensive

Of course, you can’t talk about pricing without considering costs. But, be sure not to fall into the trap of pricing strictly off of costs. There are a lot of other factors to take into consideration.

However, unless it’s done with a specific purpose in mind, make sure you are not pricing below your costs either. That’s not a strategy that can be maintained for very long.

Get products and services into customers’ hands

marketing activity place
Credit: 365 Careers

Placement has to do with how a small business delivers products and services to its customers. Not every company deals directly with the end-user. Sometimes, intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, or retailers are utilized.

If you are not dealing directly with the end-user, then you are, in essence, partnering with another business in order to get your products and services sold. Partnering with another business can allow you to scale up your marketing activities. But, the obvious downfall is that you lose a certain amount of control. In fact, your partner might also be partnering with your competition.

Just as with product (service) selection and pricing, you’ll want to keep your end-user in mind. Put yourself in that customer’s shoes and think about how your placement and distribution decisions affect the value that they receive.

Set your business apart from the competition

With a firm understanding of the other four marketing activities, you should be prepared to stand out from the competition with your promotional activities.

Promotion includes advertising, of course. But, it also includes sales, incentives, and any other direct contact you have with your customers.

Keep that in mind – anytime you are dealing directly with leads, prospects, or the public in general, you are engaging in promotional activities.

Marketing can have up to a 275% ROI


Any action your business takes to boost sales (and revenue) is a marketing activity. Having a great product or service is something to be proud of. However, if you don’t make prospects, leads, and existing customers aware of them, then it’s all for nothing.

The general categories listed above can be broken down into more specific activities. Marketing is a multi-faceted and complex subject. Most people aren’t an expert at all things marketing. Get help where you need it and be sure to review each activity periodically to make sure you’re getting the most out of your marketing efforts.