QuickBooks Online Products & Services – 6 Min Read With Pics

qbo products and services featured

Products and services can be easily added and maintained in QuickBooks Online.

Products and services in QBO are the items you buy and sell to conduct business. Keeping this list of items well maintained will help ensure that your sales and purchase forms have the information they need. It will also contribute to more useful reporting for your small business.

What are products and services in QuickBooks Online?

Products and services are the items that appear on sales and purchase forms. If you plan on using these forms, then you should take the time to enter all your products and services into QBO.

Each item will be linked to an account in your Chart of Accounts. Every time a product or service transaction takes place, an entry is made.

Whether you sell products, services, or both depends on the industry you’re in and the nature of your business.

quickbooks online types of items
Credit: qbo.intuit.com


These are products that you purchase and/or sell. Inventory quantities are tracked. In order to manage inventory, you must have a QBO Plus subscription.

For example, if you own a boutique clothing store, the clothes you sell would be inventory.


These are items that you buy and sell but don’t want to keep track of the quantity on hand.

Hand soap for an auto mechanic is an example of a non-inventory item.


This is something that you sell which is intangible.

Delivery of your product is an example.


A grouping of products and/or services that you sell together.

A restaurant that offers a meal (main, side, and drink) is an example of a bundle.

Products and services settings

sales settings
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

If you’ll remember, Products and Services settings are accessed by clicking the gear icon in the upper-right. Then Accounts and Settings (below Your Company).

Products and services settings are a sub-section of Sales settings. Check the box next to the features you want to utilize and click “Save” when you are finished.

Show Product/Service column on sales forms

This option must be turned on in order for the product/service column to appear on sales forms. If it is off, your customers won’t see details about the products and services involved in the transaction.

Show SKU column

SKUs are used to track inventory. Turning on this feature will add a SKU/barcode column to sales forms. If you have a considerable amount of inventory to track, you should check the box to turn this on.

Turn on price rules

Read this post to learn more about price rules. Price rules allow you to give discounts on certain products and to certain customers.

Track quantity and price/rate

Turn this on too if you track inventory. It will add rate and quantity fields to estimates, invoices, and sales receipts.

Track inventory quantity on hand

Another feature that should be turned on if you plan to track inventory. Once you do, QBO will keep track to stock levels for products.

How to add products and services to QuickBooks Online

qbo enter new inventory item
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Every product or service you add will start with clicking on the gear icon in the upper-right part of the screen. From here, you will select “Products and Services” underneath Lists.

Next, select click on the green New button.

Choose whether you want to add an Inventory item, Non-inventory item, Service, or Bundle.

There are several fields to complete here. The more detailed information you can provide, the better your reporting will be in the future.

Keep in mind that the available fields will be slightly different depending on the type of item you’re adding.

Name and SKU

Name is a description of the product or service. Make it detailed enough, but be aware of the space it will take up on forms and reports.

SKU is a unique combination of letters and numbers used to identify a product or service. You can look at it as shorthand for a given product or service.


If you have many products and services, you can group similar ones into categories. Doing so will allow you to better organize your items.

Initial quantity on hand (Inventory)

Enter the number of units you had in stock on the As of date (below). If your As of date is today, then enter your QOH right now.

As of date (Inventory)

This is when you will begin tracking inventory levels. The As of date can be any date in the past. Your current inventory level will depend on the Initial quantity on hand (above) and the inventory transactions that have taken place since the As of date.

Reorder point (Inventory)

If you would like to be alerted if the quantity on hand drops below a specific level – enter that level here.

Inventory asset account (Inventory)

This is the account where the value of your inventory on hand will be recorded for the balance sheet. By default “Inventory Asset” is selected. If you would like to use a different account, select “+ Add new.”


If you are going to offer this product/service for sale to customers, make sure the checkbox is checked.

Also, write a description for the product or service which will show up on customers’ sales forms. This can be the same as the item’s Name or different.

Sales price/rate

This is the standard price you will charge for this product or service. Don’t worry if you want to charge different customers different rates. You can specify that later, in price rules.

Income account

Here, select the appropriate account to record sales of the product/service to.

Sales tax category (Inventory)

If sales tax has not been set up in QBO, then you might not see this field. Best to have sales tax set up correctly so that QBO can keep track of it accurately.

The Sales tax category you choose will determine the amount owed depending on what the item is and where you sell it.

Two options will be available by default ” Taxable – standard rate” and “Nontaxable.” You’ll also have the option to “Choose a special category” if this inventory item is of a specific type.

If you “Choose a special category” you’ll be taken to a list of item types and sub-types. Choose the appropriate item type and click “Done.”

qbo new inventory choose special category sales tax type
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Purchasing information

qbo enter new inventory item show more
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

If this is a product or service that you will be purchasing from a vendor, check this box.

Doing so will cause some other options to appear.

Enter the description for this item you’d like to see on purchase forms.


This is the standard (typical) cost for this item.

Expense account

Like the Income account, this is where purchases of this item will be recorded to.

Preferred Vendor

Choosing a Preferred Vendor for purchased items will speed up purchase order and bill creation.

Select “Add new” if your Preferred Vendor for this item isn’t set up yet. Then, all you’ll need to do is enter a Name for the vendor to make them preferred.

Click Save and close when you’re done.

You’ll then be taken to the Products and Services screen where you will see your newly-created item.

Save time by making duplicates of similar products and services

quickbooks online make product or service inactive or duplicate
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

If you’re entering a product/service that is very similar to an existing one – save time by making a copy.

From the Products and Services screen, select the similar product/service and click the down arrow (▼) by the word “Edit” in the Action column. Select “Duplicate.”

The Product/Service Information window will pop up with fields already populated. Make the needed changes and then click “Save and close.”

Importing lists of products and services into QuickBooks Online

qbo import sample file products and services
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Credit: qbo.intuit.com

If you have a lot of new products and services to set up, you might consider importing them into QuickBooks Online.

You will need to have the items (with relevant information ) in a spreadsheet. By downloading the sample file, you can see the order of the columns and the naming conventions. To avoid error, it’s advised to simply fill in your item information into the sample file. Once you’re done, save the file in a location where you can find it.

The columns included in the sample file will depend on the options you choose when setting up the company (in Account and Settings).

When you’re ready to upload, go to Sales Center and select the Products and Services tab. Choose “Import a file.”

Browse for the saved spreadsheet and select “Open.”

Ensure that all item information is in the correct fields and click “Import.”

Also, here’s a handy tip:

If you want to update your pricing, across-the-board, you can export a product and services list. Then, you can update prices in a spreadsheet and re-import.

Delete a QuickBooks Online product or service

Is your Products and Services list getting cluttered with obsolete items?

You can reduce the clutter by deleting them. Technically, you’re making them “Inactive.” But, the effect is the same.

To do so, click the checkbox on the left-hand side of the page. Then, at the top, select the Batch actions dropdown. Select “Make inactive” then click “Yes” to confirm.

Change the columns in the Products and Services list

quickbooks online products and services change columns
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Another action you can take if you feel like the Products and Services list is too cluttered is to remove columns. You can also add them too.

To do so, click the gear icon. Not the one in the far upper right, the one above the Action heading on the right side of the list.

Here, you’ll see every available column (after you click “Show more”). Click the checkboxes to toggle them on/off.

You can also determine how many rows you’d like to see in the Products and Services list. Plus you can “Compact” the list and “Group by category.”

QuickBooks Online products and services

With your products and services set up, maybe you’re ready to run some periodic sales promotions? Read this post to see how to do that in QBO.

Do you have any other tips or tricks for managing your products and services in QuickBooks Online?

Talk to me on Twitter!

QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts Setup & Optimization

A customized QBO Chart of Accounts will help ensure that your financial reporting tells you what you need to know to run your small business.

Setting up the Chart of Accounts helps small businesses get off on the right foot in QuickBooks Online. Doing so will help you avoid reporting errors and confusion. A customized QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts will help you run better reporting. This will help you manage your small business more effectively.

Many people don’t even know what a Chart of Accounts is. Those who do, usually don’t want anything to do with it. It’s a technical accounting task and it seems complicated.

Your (or your bookkeeper/accountant’s) answers to the QuickBooks Online startup questions will determine your default Chart of Accounts. Customizations should still be made to make sure it suits your needs in the future.

What is the QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts?

A Chart of Accounts is the collection of the categories that make up your business’ financial statements. Every financial transaction your business creates ends up in one (or more) categories.

Examples of categories are:

  • Income
    • Product sales
    • Service sales
    • Discounts
  • Expenses
    • Cost of sales
      • Material
      • Labor
      • Overhead
    • Marketing
    • Your salary
  • Assets
    • Cash
    • Accounts receivable
    • Inventory
    • Equipment
    • Real estate
  • Liabilities
    • Accounts payable
    • Loans outstanding
  • Equity
    • Common stock
    • Retained earnings
quickbooks online navigate to chart of accounts
Click to enlarge
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Where do I find the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online?

Hover over Accounting in the left-hand menu. Select Chart of Accounts.

quickbooks online left menu chart of accounts
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Customizing the QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts

A customized Chart of Accounts in QBO will allow your financial statements to better convey valuable information. Having titled accounts, in the correct order, will prioritize information. Additionally, it reduces the chance of errors and confusion.

Some accounts can not be changed. Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Accounts Payable(A/P), for example.

Other accounts will be created depending on the settings you choose.

If you create a new account, you’ll be asked to specify an Account and Detail Type. This is very important! What you choose will determine what financial statement this account shows up on. You don’t want a Liability account appearing on the Income Statement. Or an Expense account reflecting as Equity on the Balance Sheet.

New accounts

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Credit: qbo.intuit.com

While in the Chart of Accounts, select the green “New” box in the upper-right corner.

The Account Type you select will give you different options for Detail Type.

Select the Account Type and Detail Type that are most appropriate.

If you would like to Name the account something different, you can do so. A Description can also be entered if you’d like to give more clarification.

Do consider making new accounts for each checking, savings, credit card, and loan account. Also, for your major sources of revenue and expenses. You’ll be glad you have these itemized when you run your financial statements.


Sub-accounts break down the balance in an account into subtotals. For instance, a restaurant might have an Equipment account with a balance of $30,000. The Equipment account might have two sub-accounts with balances as follows:

Vehicles: $20,000
Oven: $10,000

The use of sub-accounts allows you to run summary statements and detailed statements depending on how deep you want to dive.

Editing existing accounts

Accounts can be edited by clicking the dropdown arrow (▼) in the Action column. The arrow will be next to View register or Run report. Click “Edit” to make changes.

Some changes will not be allowed by QuickBooks Online. Others will give you a warning that accounting/reporting will be affected.

Think about renaming accounts so that they better reflect your business. Also, don’t hesitate to delete those that you won’t need.

quickbooks online edit chart of accounts
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Deleting/making accounts inactive

You might not need all the default accounts. Or, if you’ve been in business for a while, you might have accounts that you no longer need.

There’s a sweet spot for the number of accounts you should have. Just enough detail to give you the information you need. Yet, not so many accounts that your financial statements are overly bloated.

You can make accounts inactive by selecting the dropdown arrow (▼) in the Action column. Select “Make inactive.” Remember that not all accounts can be deleted.

If you find yourself regretting the deletion of an account, you can restore it. Just click the gear icon above the Action header and check the “Include inactive” box. Find your mistakenly deleted account and click “Make active.” It’s like it never happened…

quickbooks online restore deleted account
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Merging accounts

Maybe, at one time, you thought you wanted two similar, but distinct accounts? But, you came to realize that the distinction was unnecessary.

No worries, accounts can be merged. But, keep in mind that this is a permanent change!

Simply copy the Name of the account you want to keep. Paste that name into the account you don’t need anymore. Make sure the Account and Detail Type are the same. Also, if applicable, make sure that the same parent account is specified.

That’s it! Your Chart of Accounts is now a little less cluttered!

quickbooks online merging accounts confirm

Other tips for optimizing your Chart of Accounts

Once in awhile review your Chart of Accounts to make sure it is still set up to serve you best. Here are some things to review (Credit):

  1. Note accounts that have a $0 or very low balance – consider deleting or merging
  2. Review all account names to ensure that they are accurate and descriptive
  3. Create parent/sub-account relationships where appropriate

QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts

Are there any other tips or tricks you use to make sure your Chart of Accounts is optimized?

Talk to me on Twitter!

Yes, You Can Have More Than One QuickBooks Online Company

qbo settings featured

When you create a new QuickBooks Online company, take the time to review the settings and make sure your business gets off on the right foot.

Account & Settings is where a small business owner can customize their QBO experience. From communications with vendors and customers to detailed accounting settings. Reviewing these options will allow you to convey the image you want to your customers and give you the information you need to manage your business.

One account, multiple QuickBooks Online companies

You can have multiple QuickBooks Online companies under one account. Each company will need its own subscription plan.

If you currently have multiple companies under multiple accounts, you can merge them.

Here’s how:

  1. Sign in with the account you no longer want to use
  2. Send an invite to the account you do want to use
    1. From the company you want to switch accounts on
    2. Choose “Company Admin” as the user type
  3. Open the email for the account you want to use – click the invite link

If you can’t send an invite, you don’t have the correct administrative privileges.

QuickBooks Online settings

Click the gear icon in the upper-right

Select Account & Settings.

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Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Company settings

These fields are pretty straightforward. They will appear on documents such as invoices, sales receipts, and customer estimates.

All of this is required, so I would suggest filling all applicable fields completely.

Company name – Pretty self-explanatory. You’ll enter your EIN/SSN here too.

Company type – LLC, Sole Proprietor, Corporation, etc… Also, your industry will be entered here.

Contact info – Email, phone, and website.

Address – Includes company, customer-facing, and legal address.

company settings
Credit: qbo-intuit.com

Sales settings

Customize– Choose a template for your invoices. Also, specify payment options and write a subject line for emailed invoices.

Sales form content – Payment terms are entered here. Other information you want to be included on invoices can also be specified. Things like delivery methods, shipping fields, and custom fields.

Products and services – Add columns for SKUs, quantity, and rates to sales forms. If you want, you can also add rules regarding discounts for particular customers here. Don’t forget to turn on inventory while updating this field too!

Progress Invoicing – Set up customer billing for long-term projects – if applicable.

Messages – Customize the text in emailed invoices. This is also where you’d enter email addresses to cc or Bcc invoices to.

Reminders – Similar to Messages. You’ll set up follow-up communication emails here.

Online delivery – Specify if you want your invoices in PDF, HTML, or plain-text format. If you choose to not Attach sales form as pdf, you can take advantage of QuickBooks Online’s tracking functionality for online invoicing.

Statements – These are sent to customers to summarize all outstanding invoice balances. You can decide if you want all of the detail shown for each invoice, or just a single line.

Taking the time to customize the appearance of your invoices will help them stand out. So, consider taking the time to work through these fields.

create new quickbooks online company sales settings
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Expense settings

Bills and expenses

Show Items table on expense and purchase forms – Turning this option “On” allows you to see the Items grid when viewing purchase transactions. This is good because it allows you to view reports related to product and service purchases. Note that this option is only available if you have a QuickBooks Online Plus subscription.

Track expenses and items by customer – If you turn this “On,” you’ll be able to select customers when entering expense transactions. This will help you tie costs directly to customers. Also, only available with a QuickBooks Online Plus subscription.

Make expenses and items billable – With this option “On,” you can take expenses and turn right around and bill customers for them. For example, if your customer reimburses for travel expenses, then you would want to utilize this feature. The ability to add a default markup and/or sales tax rate is also available. Again, only available with a QuickBooks Online Plus subscription.

Default bill payment terms – Gives you the option of specifying a default for payment terms. Useful for helping to manage cash flow if your vendor doesn’t set its own terms.

Purchase orders

Use purchase orders – Allows you to add another level of tracking for purchases. Turning this “On” will let you create custom fields in purchase orders. Also, you can automate the creation of serial numbers and transaction numbers. Only available with a QuickBooks Online Plus subscription.


Default email message sent with purchase orders – If you decide to use the purchase order feature, this is where you can enter a custom message to appear at the bottom of every PO.

expense settings
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Payment settings

In order to accept payments from an emailed invoice, in person, or over the phone, you will need to create a QuickBooks Payments merchant account.

There are two plans to choose from.

  • The first has no monthly fee, but you’ll pay a higher percentage rate per transaction
  • The other plan has a monthly fee, but a lower percentage rate per transaction

With a merchant account, you can take American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

With a merchant account, you can include a “Pay Now” button with your emailed invoices. This will allow customers to make immediate payment. They can do so with a credit card or via ACH. If they choose ACH, there is no fee to you.

If you use the mobile app, you can take payments via a card reader attached to your phone.

Another big advantage of using a QuickBooks Payments merchant account is that every time you get paid, the accounting transactions get made too! Plus, payments are automatically matched with invoices.

Oh, and if you’re using a bookkeeper/accountant, they can possibly get a discounted rate for the merchant account.

If you have an existing merchant account, you can just connect it to your new QuickBooks Online company.

Advanced settings

As the name implies, this is where you can tweak the finer points of your QuickBooks Online account. Unless you have a good grasp of what you’re doing, you might leave these settings to your bookkeeper/accountant. Make sure they know you well if you get third-party help though. The combination of settings you use here is highly dependent on the nature of your business.

These settings can be changed at any time. It’s best to address them when you set up your new QuickBooks Online company.


Accounting – Specify the first month of your fiscal year and income-tax year. Plus, if you want to use an accrual or cash-based accounting method. This is also where you will close your books and set your password.

Chart of Accounts – Here, you can opt to use GL account number and set defaults for things like billable expenses, discounts, and shipping.

Other advanced settings

Categories – This setting is where you specify if you want to Track Class or Track Location. Turning this on will include a special field on your forms. Classes can be almost anything you want. For instance salespeople, partners, lines of business, and departments. Location tracking allows you to track inventory by warehouse, area, aisle, bin, etc.

Automation – If you’d like to populate fields on forms based on information entered previously, you can turn this option on. This can save time if you find yourself entering the same information repeatedly.

ProjectsSome businesses are more project-based. Contractors, for instance. If you utilize this feature you can track sales, expenses, and timesheets by project.

Time tracking – This setting allows you to add a Service field to timesheets. Doing so will match employee on-the-clock time with services provided to customers. The billing rate and first day of the workweek are entered here too.

Currency – Conducting business in multi-currency is available in QuickBooks Online. Be careful with this setting, though. Once it’s turned on, it can’t be turned off. Extra fields will be added to your QBO database. If you’re importing data, this must be turned on before the import. Finally, you can’t change your home currency. If you conduct business in other currencies, then this setting will obviously be useful.

Other preferences – These are settings that don’t fit in any other category. Things like date and number formats. You can also dictate how you want to address customers (donors, clients, customers, etc.). Plus, be sure to turn on the option that warns you if duplicate bill or check numbers are used.

create new quickbooks online company advanced settings
Credit: qbo.intuit.com

Create new QuickBooks Online company

That’s a summary of the settings that you should review when you create a new QuickBooks Online company.

Next, read my post on how to navigate QBO.

3 Ways To Navigate QuickBooks Online Including the QBO App

navigating quickbooks online featured

“Where is the navigation bar in QuickBooks Online?” QBO and the QuickBooks app have two primary ways of navigating data:

  1. The left-hand menu
  2. The dashboard “cards.”

Many of the topics in these menus will have sub-topics. Navigating QuickBooks Online (and the app) is fairly simple once you familiarize yourself with the layout. Knowing how to navigate this software will help you do what you need to do and find what you’re looking for.

Accounting is the language of business (Source). So, your books are the story of your small business. This story, like all others, will have twists and turns, peaks, and valleys. Hopefully, when the story is finally finished, the ending will be a happy one.

Check out the Navigating QuickBooks Online Web Story.

Several options for navigating QuickBooks Online

A lot of what you do in QBO can be accessed in several different ways.

There are two primary means of getting where you need to be in QBO – the left-hand navigation bar and the Dashboard.

home screen
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Credit: qbo.intuit.com

1. Left-hand navigation bar

The left-hand navigation bar is organized by business function. The topics are listed below.

Clicking on some of these topics will expand your options into sub-topics.

  • Dashboard
  • Banking
    • Banking
    • Rules
    • Receipts
  • Expenses
    • Expenses
    • Vendors
  • Sales
    • Overview
    • All Sales
    • Invoices
    • Customer
    • Products and Services
  • Projects
  • Workers
    • Employees
    • Contractors
  • Reports
    • Standard
    • Custom reports
    • Management reports
  • Taxes
  • Mileage
  • Accounting
    • Chart of Accounts
    • Reconcile
  • My Accountant
  • Live Bookkeeping.
navigating quickbooks online left hand menu options

2. The Dashboard

This is the first screen you’ll see when you log in to QuickBooks Online. It is a snapshot of your most critical business information. Click on any of the Dashboard “cards” to open up a tab with further detail.

The cards (and tabs) are:

  • Invoices
    • Overview
    • All Sales
    • Invoices
    • Customers
    • Products and Services
  • Expenses
    • Expenses
    • Vendors
  • Profit and Loss
    • Profit and Loss Report
  • Sales

This information is conveyed as data and graphs. Bank accounts are also shown.

navigating quickbooks online dashboard options

Navigating QuickBooks Online’s mobile app

Owning a small business means that you wear many hats. It also means that you aren’t (probably) spending your entire day in front of your computer.

Maybe you’re too exhausted at the end of the day to sit at that desk and handle your accounting. QuickBooks Online gives you another option to access your books. That’s through their mobile app.

The app is free with a QuickBooks Online subscription. You’ll have access to some of the most critical functions. For example Company, Contacts, Transactions, Reports, plus Help and Settings.

quickbooks app menu
Credit: rodmancpa.com

When you first open the app, you’ll see your Activity screen. This will show your business’s cash flow transactions.

Click on Customers will show you all of the activity for a particular customer. Plus, you can easily call, email, or see a map of the customer’s address.

The Expenses option allows you to take a picture of receipts and you can capture the expense on the spot.

The QuickBooks app menu options are:

  • Home
  • Note & Attachments
  • Products & Services
  • Payroll
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Banking
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Expenses
  • Estimates
  • Invoices
  • Invoice Payments
  • Sales Receipts
  • Bank Deposits
  • Profit & Loss
  • Balance Sheet
  • Settings
  • Help & Feedback
navigating quickbooks online app menu dashboard

The QuickBooks app dashboard options are as follows:

  • Profit and Loss
  • Expenses
  • Account Balances

Navigating QuickBooks Online

QBO gives you multiple entry points for finding the information you need. Also, remember that tools and settings can be accessed from the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.

The Dashboard is the first screen you’ll see when you log in to QBO. This screen is comprised of “cards” that give you a snapshot into relevant aspects of your business. Each card will show data and a graph.

The app allows you to access the primary functions of QBO via your smartphone. One of the main features of the app is the ability to take a picture of receipts in order to create an Expense transaction. The app is free with a QBO subscription.

Do you use the QuickBooks app?

What topics are too hard to find in QBO?

Join the conversation on Twitter!

Periodic Sales Promotions in QuickBooks Online


  • Periodic sales promotions give small businesses the best chance of boosting sales and profitability when they are carefully planned.
  • Care must be taken to not use periodic sales promotions as a crutch when sales fall short of expectations.
  • QuickBooks Online price rules give small businesses the opportunity to efficiently apply promotional pricing to products and services.
  • Small business owners, who are concerned about what effects sale promotions might have on revenue, can use this information to lower uncertainty

Periodic sales promotions

Weekly/monthly/holiday sales, aka periodic sales promotions, are something we’re all familiar with. The “one day only sale!” The “Memorial Day sale!” The “semi-annual sale!” Or, the most famous, the “Black Friday sale!” are all examples.

Before we get too far into it, let’s split hairs on the terminology a bit. A periodic sales promotion shouldn’t be confused with a discount or a markdown. A discount is a reduction in price for a particular group of customers. A sales promotion, typically, would apply to all customers.

A markdown is a “permanent” lowering of the price of goods in order to incentivize purchase so that they can be removed from inventory. This would be done for items that are slow-moving (or not moving at all).

Periodic sales promotions are a means of reaching periodic sales goals

Periodic sales promotions can help complement the efforts of salespeople and advertising. Whether your business markets to consumers or other businesses, a periodic sale can stimulate buying on the part of your customers.

Periodic sales promotions should compel your customers to purchase immediately. So, the nature of your promotion will have to be such that it bridges your customers’ culture with your sales goals. For example, are you trying to get customers to switch from a competitor? Or, are you trying to penetrate a whole new market?

Don’t launch a periodic sales promotion without a plan. Consider how the promotion will impact your business at different volumes. Decide what products/services should be included. Consider your best-case and worst-case scenarios so that you are mentally prepared for whatever your customers throw at you.

The upside of periodic sales promotions

Dead and slow inventory takes up valuable space. Worse yet, it ties up valuable cash. If you have inventory that is turning over slowly, you might consider how you can work it into a periodic sales promotion in order to make room for inventory that will actually sell. Doing so would be preferable to getting pennies on the dollar by discounting.

I wouldn’t offer a sale that revolved solely around dead and slow inventory, however. That might be a dud. Perhaps you might consider marking down dead and slow inventory extra – beyond the normal terms of the promotion. An example for a car repair business – a 10% off sale on brake replacement for President’s Day, with slow-moving tires offered at 40% off. Take advantage of the increased traffic to get the most that you can for the dead and slow inventory.

A periodic sales promotion might incentivize people who wouldn’t buy otherwise. If the promotion only runs for a few days, the sense of urgency could be increased. People who may only have a vague idea of what your business is about could be compelled to “check you out” while the sale is going on. Furthermore, the first-timers, if they are excited about what they found, might tell others.

Since a periodic sales promotion will hopefully bring in a lot of new faces, it’s an opportunity to collect some basic information. Even just an email address or a like on Facebook. Knowing more about your customers in general and those that were lured by the sales promotion specifically will help you to meet their needs better.

The downside of periodic sales promotions

Even the least savvy business person knows that if you sell something for less, you’ll make less profit on it. Periodic sales promotions will result in lower margins. The hope is – to make up for that with increased volume (quantities).

But, if you are able to pull off a successful periodic sales promotion, be careful not to begin to rely upon them. The siren song of a boost in sales/gross profit might prove irresistible if future sales don’t reach the levels you hoped. If periodic sales promotions are part of your strategic planning, then great. Run with it. Just don’t start using them as a crutch if things aren’t going as well as hoped.

When a customer purchases something at a reduced price, you might not be able to get a read on their future purchasing behavior. That is, beyond the fact that they’ll buy “x” amount of something at “y” price.

We’ve all heard the old adage “price, service, quality…pick two” when it comes to offering a value proposition to customers. If your business aims to excel in service and quality, but begins to succumb to the temptation to lower prices to boost sales, then you might see yourself transformed into a low-price provider – at the expense of service or quality.

It always comes down to…planning

Again, at the risk of being redundant, it all comes down to planning. Give your periodic sales promotions the thought and planning they deserve. Don’t just “knee-jerk.” Working it into a plan will give it the best chance of being successful.

Every industry is different. Every small business within an industry is different. There is no “one size fits all” solution to planning for periodic sales promotions. Nevertheless, since this website is SpreadsheetsForBusiness.com, after all, I took a stab at it.

Download the periodic sales promotion planning tool.

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This is a very high-level workbook since it isn’t specifically made for any particular business/industry. Hopefully, however, it can give you a starting point for thoughtfully planning your own periodic sales promotion. Helping to ensure that it fits in with your strategic plan and helps your business reach its goals.

Periodic discounts in QBO

How to apply this knowledge in your accounting software, though? Well, here’s how you might go about it in QuickBooks Online.

We’ll look at periodic sales three different ways through the eyes of a restaurant:

  • First, an across-the-board 10% discount for everything. We’ll call it an “anniversary sale.”
  • Second, a 20% off of Mexican food and drinks promotion for Cinco de Mayo.
  • Finally, a weekly 15% off promotion for select desserts.

If you haven’t, read my previous post on the particulars of QBO price rules (levels). What follows won’t necessarily go into as much detail.

I’ll be using the sample company within QuickBooks Online Accountant. By default, this sample company is a landscaping business. For the purposes of these examples, I’ll make some changes to make the examples better reflect a restaurant business. But, if you see some odd things related to landscaping pop up in the screenshots or the video – that’s why.

In the previous example, we created a “dummy” price rule that provided no discount. We did this so that the price rule would not be applied by default during a sales transaction. However, in this example, for our restaurant, we want it to be automatically applied so that we don’t forget to give it to our customers. So, in this case, we’ll forego the creation of a “no discount” price rule.

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Anniversary promotion

The across-the-board 10% discount is easy to set up. In the price rules screen, we’ll create a rule called Anniversary Sale. This rule will only be in effect over the weekend of April 27, 2019.

Since it is an across-the-board discount, All customers and All products and services will remain selected by default. A 10% decrease in price will be applied.


Click to enlarge

Cinco de Mayo promotion

Next, we’ll look at the Cinco de Mayo promotion. In this case, it’s only our restaurant’s Mexican fare that’s on sale. Also, the sale only runs over the weekend – May 3, 2019, through May 5, 2019.

In this price rule, we selected the products in our Mexican subcategory. We then chose to decrease the price by 20%.

Click to enlarge

Weekly dessert promotion

Finally, we’ll tackle the restaurant’s weekly (Wednesday) discount on desserts, designed to get people in the seats during the slow mid-week time period.

This was approached in much the same manner as the Cinco de Mayo discount. Except, there is no Start date and no End date. This is an ongoing promotion. All products in the Desserts category were selected for inclusion and they were decreased in price by 15%.

Click to enlarge

Periodic sales promotions

When it comes to pros & cons, advantages & disadvantages, upside & downside posts, I always overlook a few. What are some of the pros and cons I missed for weekly/monthly/holiday sales promotions?

What other considerations need to be taken into account before a small business launches a weekly/monthly/holiday sales promotion?

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QuickBooks Online Pricing – the Full Guide to Levels + Rules


  • To turn on price levels:
    • Gear (icon) > Accounts and Settings > Sales > Products and Services > Turn on price rules
  • To create price levels:
    • Sales (left menu) >Products and Services > More > Price rules
  • Price levels (levels) in QBO allow users to specify price changes for customers, products, or a combination of the two
    • Promotional pricing can help drive sales and profitability

What are QuickBooks Online price levels?

Price levels (rules) are used in QBO to quickly and easily give special pricing on particular items, and/or to particular clients. You can mix and match customers with products/services when setting up price levels. Also, you can broaden your selection to all products/services that fall within a particular category. For instance, maybe you want to only have a sale on installation and not physical products. Not every pricing rule has to be across the board.

Price levels can be set up to give a percentage discount, a fixed dollar amount discount, or… you can simply enter a custom price for a particular item.

Furthermore, if it makes sense in your pricing strategy, you can even increase prices. Plus, you can round to the nearest dollar, $.49, $.99, and many other amounts.

Finally, for each price rule, you can enter a Start date or End date to control when the rule is applied. Beyond that, QuickBooks Online gives you the ability to easily activate and inactivate a particular price rule after it’s created. Therefore, you can create price levels now, and put them into effect as needed.

Why use price levels in QuickBooks Online?

Promotional pricing is a valuable tool when used wisely. It can help small businesses drive sales and profitability. It might even be a coordinated part of your strategic plan.

Whether it is a periodic/seasonal sale, coupons, a referral program, a customer loyalty program, or a volume discount – there are plenty of reasons that you would want the ability to easily applying special pricing for specific customers and products/services.

Does your small business have sales promotions? Of course it does. Read this post:

How to implement QuickBooks Online price levels

First things first, in order to use price levels in QBO, you’ve got to turn them on. By default, they’re turned off. The option to create a price rule won’t be available if they aren’t turned on first.

By the way, in my walkthrough here, I’ll be using the QuickBooks Accountant sample company. The sample company is a landscaping business.

Go to the gear in the upper right corner and select Account and Settings.

Once in the Account and Settings menu select Sales. Under the Products and Services section, you’ll see Turn on price rules (beta). Click on that and the checkbox. Then click Save and Done in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Price levels are now turned on.


Creating a price rule

Now, that price levels are turned on, you can create one. Go to the Sales section on the left (main) menu and select Products and Services. Alternatively, you can go directly to Products and Services from the gear in the upper right-hand corner.

Once in the Products and Services screen, click on the More drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner and select Price rules. If this is your first rule, you’ll see the little intro graphic and text. Click the Create a rule button.


Each price rule in QuickBooks Online will need a name. A rule name should be succinct, yet detailed enough for you to understand what changes it will make when it’s applied.


As mentioned, you can make effective dates (Start date and End date), if you’d like to limit the time window in which this price rule will be in effect.

Next, you’ll decide whether you want this rule to affect all customers or just specific customers. And, you’ll decide if you want it to affect all products and services, categories of products and services, or individual products and services.

After that, you’ll specify what degree you want the rule to adjust the price. You can choose to adjust the price by a percentage, a fixed amount, or you can enter a custom price. Beyond that, you can specify if you want the price adjusted up or down. Price levels aren’t just for markdowns!

Do you know who your most profitable customers are? Read this post:

Finally, you’re given the option of having your price rule rounded to a specified amount. $.05, $.50, $.88, and so on…

That’s it! Those are the only variables to enter when making a price rule. You’ll see in the table at the bottom after you click Apply, the original price (Sales price) and the Adjusted price. The Adjusted price reflects the effects of the price rule you just created. Review those changes to make sure there are no surprises. Then click Save and close at the bottom.


Using a price rule in a transaction

In order to use a price rule, you’ll have to apply it to an individual sales transaction. So, for example, if we click on Sales in the left menu. Then, click on All sales on the top menu. Finally, click on the New transaction drop-down and select Sales receipt.

In this example, I’m just using a Sales Receipt for illustrative purposes. Pricing levels can be used in Invoices, Estimates, Sales Receipts, Credit Memos, and Delayed Charges.


Populate all of the customer information at the top. Select the Product/Service at the bottom. Click the Rate drop-down box and you’ll find the price rule you just created available as an option. Select the rule and you should see the Subtotal on the Sales Receipt change accordingly.

Making a lot of sales doesn’t mean anything if you don’t collect cash. Read this post:

QuickBooks Online does support price levels

In the next post, I’ll explore different types of promotions that small businesses, like yours, can run, and how to create corresponding price levels in QBO.

What other types of variables would you like to see added to QBO price levels, so that they could suit your business better?

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